Monday, February 15, 2010


i hope everyone had a great VD. i received a weird little teddy bear on a stick thing the man picked up when he ran out to get the sunday paper...and let me sleep in!

later he took to eat fajitas. YUM!

he didn't do too badly, not for floundering on his own.

he has this history of buying gifts that suck.

for instance, our first christmas eve, he discovered that i had hoped to get a present from him.

so he headed out to the only store open in town- ths was before the 24 hour walgreen's saving the collective asses of many men). i worked in the same shopping center. that's why i knew they were open.

i used to shop there at lunch all the time. i would eat my sandwich and get the non-perishable part of my shopping out of the way.

so he comes home, hides in the front bedroom for a little while and came out with an awkwardly wrapped present.

i opened it slowly- after all, i only had 1 gift- and there it was.

the worst gift ever. like the ones below. except black.

I knew they were the first thing you saw when you walked in the door to this store. right by the check-outs. i could just see him walking in, picking up the first thing without looking at it, then cruising through the quik-chek-out and running back out to the car. all before his glasses had time to fog up.

black ceramic $4.87 swan figurines.

and i was deathly afraid of birds (ornithphobic!)

so after that, i bought my own gifts and wrp them myself, then opn them on the appropriate holiday.

sometimes he surprises me with something. usually something hideous. something from a truck stop.

but the thing is, he thinks about me.

hopefully, i won't die alone.

back to valentine's day, i had offered him a $10 rebate reward coupon from walgreen's, in case he wanted to shop there. i don't usually get out that much and it was set to expire. we ended up going there after my grand-daughters 7th birthday party. he wanted to look for me a valentine.

he ended up buying a red race car model. yes, he collects them. yes, i am talking about my husband.

but that's okay. i have another $10 rr coupon and all the hearts-n-flowerz crap will be 1/2 off!

but i wish i had a smartcar, so i could just drive there now.

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