Saturday, May 22, 2010

trouble finds me

i had an old debt that should have been paid off from the proceeds of the sale of my home. i had documentation that it was paid. it was big, $13K! it was from my husband's truck that was reported back in 2002.

yesterday the sheriff served us with papers demanding $13k!

i have referred the plantiff to the mortgage company. i am not even going to waste any money on an l a w y e r  am going to answer his complaint myself and ask that the plantiff no be able to renew the judgement. mississippi doesn't allow judgements to be renewed except under special conditions, like i am expected to get a hge sum of money. maybe he knows something i don't! gotta get lottery tickeys today! gonna be a winner with a large sum of money!

if what i write  back in answer to the complaint doesn't do the trick, i will just file b a n k r u p t cy. i'm not wasting any good money on this front end. if it is decided i owe the money, i will have the money for paying the  b a n k r u p t c y  fees, rather paying the same amount or more on the just this little bit. that way, i will have him off my back either way. i just won't waste my money doing piddly-crap.

whatever the outcome, i don't care.

i did some research and the law school near me offers free legal services to the disabled. i am contacting them monday. based on what i have read so far, they can file the b a n k r u p t c y for me. for $1! it's a study workshop whereby legal students work with real lawyers  in cases. i hope they can help me, as the school year is almost over. but maybe there will be some summer school idiot idiot who can get it started and gum up the legal works until someone competent comes along.

god, just when things are looking up, this crap falls in my lap. couldn't the fat cop have waited until monday to serve me instead of ruining my week-end?

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