Monday, December 21, 2009

pax or paxil

i have purposely been avoiding the topic of chicky, the wifezilla, my daughter-in-law. i am trying to keep the peace. the kids are coming home from the visitation with their father. depending on the weather, they should be here wednesday. i am invited to xmas breakfast at their house. i am making hashbrown casserole.

for the entire family, i bought each of the children a few gifts, then i bought chicky a vera bradley bag and badge lanyard (this was purchased before i realized what a cunt she is). my son has a cookbook and NOTHING ELSE! i want to get him a nice wallet and hide some cash in it. this would require a trip to marshall's.

that may not happen.

i will be fake smiley cheery in her face.

i hope i get a nice gift for being so good!
UPDATE! I got a pair of pajamas that fit,  a hello kitty water cooler dispenser for my bedside table, a tabletop fountain with a zen garden and a candle all in one, and a make-up set from beauti-control i had asked my rep about a few months ago. she told me it wasn't available. i guess she and chicky had it worked out that it would be my gift. but she gave it to me later, on grandparent's day at itchy's school. i think it was jan. 25,

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