Friday, April 8, 2016

More Updates on Baby Mama Drama

My sister stopped calling.  Finally.  

The boy unfriended me. I blocked him.The girl wished me happy birthday.      

So I am at peace now.

I wonder what it was I supposedly said. Probably something that was the truth. She didn't have anything specific to say,so it had to be something that was the truth,a truth that was hard for her to handle. I guess I was supposed to sugarcoat everything and make it seem as if she just gave the children up out of the goodness of her heart She had already told me if I was ever in a position to be in contact with them, to tell them the truth. So I did. I had to explain why she kept her first and last children and gave away her 2 in the middle.

Of course, her story changed about the boy changed: first, it was an affair, a mistake she corrected when she gave him up for adoption, then she changed it to a gang rape, but if it was a gang rape like she claimed and she was in the hospital, why did they do nothing to ward off unwanted pregnancy,and how could she be sure of the father if there were 6 in the mix?The final version was that she, her husband and the baby's daddy smoked a joint that was laced with something. Then her husband took her daughter off for the night and the baby daddy raped her. Then miraculously her husband returned with her daughter and found her, bloodied and raped and took her to the hospital. She claimed she blacked out. There again, it doesn't add up. She and her husband did drugs in front of her daughter, she entrusted her husband to drive under the influence of drugs with her daughter and she was living with our grandmother at the time. How did our grandmother hear nothing? How could she have put our grandmother in harm's way? If he was so whacked out of it, he would have raped our grandmother too. Again, why did the hospital do nothing?

Big question: why would her rapist willingly sign adoption papers?

Simple answer: she is a big fat lying liar who lies a lot.

Each scenario took the blame off her a little bit more, or so she thought, But the last one put more blame on her shoulders and made her a poorer parent than she ever was before.

She also did something I never thought about before she laid all this garbage on me. She walked up on my son urinating when he was 12 and already developed. Instead,she yelled out, "Damn, he's hung like a horse!" She told that to anyone who listened. If someone had made a comment like that about one of her daughter's breasts, she would be ready to put them behind bars. But no one did. This alone is a good reason for me to never have anything to do with her again. She has shown traits if a pedophiliac fascination. She sexualized a minor.

Also, you must remember I never met my father. After my mother died, I did some checking up on her stories about my father. She got caught having an affair with a man of color by my father and he got shot in the process. He wasn't shot in a grocery store robbery like I was always told. My mother told such a tale that he was put on a 3-day psychiatric hold while she moved out and got a peace bond put on him. He never beat her. He wasn't a schizophrenic. The judge ordered them to share custody and she took me and left. He didn't threaten to rape and kill me as she claimed. She didn't keep her car in her uncle's name or do the tricky name changes to protect me. She did it to avoid going to jail for abduction of a child and contempt of court. I found this out thanks to a Birmingham,AL police officer (who shall remain nameless) who was willing to spend time digging through files in the morgue in order to give me closure. So we see where my sister learned her propensity for telling tall tales.

The fact the HO seems to know so much about the father I never even met tells me that I was the topic of many conversations. My mother had her sad story practiced down to an art, much like my sister paints herself the victim. My mother may be dead and gone but her legacy lives on.

However, it stops with me.

Alone isn't so bad.


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